Sunday, February 9, 2025

Robotic Glove Provides Hope after Stroke for Piano Players

For people who have suffered neurotrauma such as a stroke, everyday tasks can be highly challenging because of decreased coordination and strength in one or both upper limbs. These problems have spurred the development of robotic devices to help enhance their abilities. However, the rigid nature of these assistive devices can be problematic, especially for more complex tasks like playing a musical instrument.

First-of-a-kind Robotic Glove

A first-of-its-kind robotic glove is lending a “hand” and providing hope to piano players who have suffered a disabling stroke. Developed by Florida Atlantic University’s College of Engineering and Computer Science researchers, the soft robotic hand exoskeleton uses artificial intelligence to improve hand dexterity.

Combining flexible tactile sensors, soft actuators and AI, this robotic glove is the first to “feel” the difference between correct and incorrect versions of the same song and to combine these features into a single-hand exoskeleton.