Over many years, the cigar industry has complained about the summertime date of the Premium Cigar Association’s annual trade show. The PCA listened and next year, the show will be in March.
Tradeshow History
Previously called the IPCPR (and RTDA before that), the trade show has been held during the summer months for at least the last 20 years, much to the chagrin of many retailers and cigar companies attending the annual convention. The PCA has finally heeded the industrywide complaints and announced today that the 2024 show would be held on March 22 to 25 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

“From my first day on the job, I have heard from numerous members that moving the trade show earlier in the year would be better for the annual business cycle,” said PCA executive director Scott Pearce.
According to Greg Zimmerman, president of the PCA board, the new dates will give retailers the opportunity to have products before the busy summer season “when demand is the highest.”
About the PCA Trade Show
The PCA Convention & International Trade Show is the biggest and best event of the year for the premium tobacco industry. The only show of its’ kind, it’s put on by The Premium Cigar Association, and is the only show that puts ALL of its proceeds back into representing and advocating for its members. Unlike other shows that exist purely to make a profit, the PCA Trade Show exists not only to offer a buying/selling event unlike any other but also as a way to unite and strengthen our industry—the premium cigar and pipe family. Whether you’re a manufacturer looking to get your products into the most hands of qualified buyers at one time, a retailer looking to stock your shelves with a variety of products for the entire year, or a member of the media looking to acquire a massive amount of content, PCA Tradeshow is your one-stop-shop for checking everything off your list!

What to expect at the PCA Tradeshow
The show has traditionally been the place where the handmade cigar industry introduces its new products to retailers, accepting early orders and offering discounts to those who attend.

The Tobacconists’ Association of America, a smaller subset of the PCA, traditionally holds its show in the spring, and the 2023 TAA show begins on Monday in the Dominican Republic. It’s unlikely that the TAA’s 2024 show will be held during the same season as the PCA convention.
This year’s PCA trade show is taking place on July 7 to 11 at the Venetian Expo Convention Center in Las Vegas.